Gateway S.C.S. - Contents & Publications

Contents & Publications

Combining our Team of experts with our state of the art information system, independently constructed using our own technological infrastructure, allows us to provide our clients with an invaluable source of digital and other modes of information (e.g. publications on paper; magazines etc.). Besides having complete control over our infrastructure and production of technologies, our Consultancy experience allows us to engrain value into our own products.

Since 1999 we have had executive responsibility for the production and release of biweekly publications such as Correo de la Unión Europea and monthly publications such as Europa Actualidad or Ceeieuropa with expertise in the following areas:

  • Design
  • Edition
  • Printing
  • Distribution
  • Marketing

Our internal infrastructure allows for quick production of contents at the highest quality, adapting to the needs and interests of our clients.

Providing Databases:
We adapt information to the requirements of the client. We are able to comply with any specifications of formatting and structure.
Management delegation of information services:
We are able to provide information, refined to requirements, directly to our clients. We make full use of our infrastructure and experience to harness technology in order to distribute specific products, as well as, simply do our jobs the best we can.
Web Services:
All Gateway S.C.S. products are released at a very economic price. They do not include costly integration services. Our Web Services follow open standards to guarantee compatibility of our products with all other systems. They offer the efficiency and reliability that comes from being constructed through GTW-Framework.
A simple example of our technology is the European Union Calls for Proposals widget, shown on the right of the page, which shows a continually updated stream of information from


  • finalistataw2007

    Website chosen as one of three finalists for the III T.A.W website accessibility awards [+ info]