The project is centred around an Equal Initiative, aimed at “entrepreneurship business creation”, loaded with a budget of over two million Euros. Our role was to direct and coordinate all aspects of management in order to guide the development and execution of the project.
Puertos del Estado - Ministry of Public Services
Distribution of information and advising the use of all grants, subsidies and external funding for the Spanish port system.
Junta de Castilla y León - Social Services
The materials under analysis received the prize for the best teaching aids in the fostering of multimedia, by the National Institute of Public Administration of Public Administrations (RESOLUTION on 23 December 2002 from National Institute of Public Administration), thus the prizes were given for the use of outstanding teaching materials corresponding to 2002 (BOE Nº 12, 14 January 2003).
Ministry of Education and Culture
The analysis was focused on the Assessment Plan of "Leonardo da Vinci" (SPAIN) between 1995-1999. A distinctive feature of the Assessment Plan was to include an exam on the programme's contribution, in the area of national politics, without forgetting the added value that the transnationality of previous projects has brought with it.
Working towards improving CECALE strategies concerning information and communication technologies. Our execution of the plan consisted of three projects, co-financed by the PCCP and by the Arte Pyme II programme. As executive coordinators we took charge of all projects. Among our results were some 200 projects established within large and small scale businesses applying new innovations of information and communication technologies.
The role of Gateway S.C.S. in the projects, between 2003-2004 was to develop an auto-diagnosis information system for SMEs about capacity for new technology and innovation. Before development of the Auto-diagnostic system, we made a study of the states of innovation in various Spanish SMEs. Gateway S.C.S. also developed the design for the on-line advising service for SMEs.
Presentation, Management, Direction and Coordination of the most important mobility project in Europe since the “Leonardo da Vinci” programme. 853 grants of mobility for Postgraduates from public and private Spanish universities to over 30 European countries.
The University of Valladolid General Foundation
Presentation, Direction and Coordination of the FARO I mobility projects (between 2002 - 2004) and FARO II (between 2004 -2006). Both projects consisted in the management of Grants for students from public and private Spanish universities. The FARO project is a programme of grants for university students in their final year, allowing them gain work experience with European companies inside the framework of the European Union's “Leonardo da Vinci” programme. Between both projects approximately 1,000 grants were managed.
A personalised solution for the management, via internet, of student work placement schemes (START, LIDER, CITIUS and OPTIMUS) from The University-Enterprise Foundation.
European Parliament (Spanish branch) - The Carlos III University Madrid
We developed a telematic system for contact with Euro MPs during the June 13th 1999 elections. This included a debating forum on European discussions, a reference system, general information and a test resolution system.
Website chosen as one of three finalists for the III T.A.W website accessibility awards [+ info]