Gateway S.C.S. - Collaboration with partners and participation in local, regional and international networks

Network membership and collaboration with partners

Gateway S.C.S. tries to be present in the more relevant work and discussion forums to our areas of expertise in order to develop our strategies with the best partners in each initiative. Gateway S.C.S. belongs to and participates in the following international, national or local networks or associations:

In 2008, Gateway S.C.S. has become a member of theEuropean Technology Plattform NESSI. We share with the other members the goal of transforming the EU economy on business models oriented to services such as those present in, or
Gateway S.C.S. has been a member of the Spanish Initiative for Software and Services since 2007. Being an essential member of the Community allows us to work with INES in, developing the Strategic Agenda for research, the approval of annual reports and of the annual strategic plan presented by the Management Committee. Also, this qualifies us to participate in the biennial elections of the eligible members of the Management Committee as well as allowing us to propose the creation of new committees for work on future projects that are in development.
Gateway S.C.S. has been a member of the Centre for the Development of Telecommunications in Castilla y Leon since 2002. We accepted the appointment of Associate Directors of the Centre between 2003-2005, under the Direction of Telefónica I+D. Gateway S.C.S. participates in various Centre activities, including those which are specifically developed at the The Centre for Innovation and Mobility.
Agreement from the EuropeAid Co-operation Office of the European Commission for the joining of Gateway S.C.S. to the COOPECO Network. COOPECO is a European Network formed by organisations which assist industrial cooperation and the promotion of investment in Latin America.


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