Gateway S.C.S. - Our History

Our History

  • Foundation and first projects with institutional clients.
  • Consultancy service for the project Project 2000, financed by the Initiative ADAPT. We soon became technical assistants to the coordination, management and direction of projects from the eQual initiative, such as, Red Rural, Zeleste, Lugo-Emprende, Local Activ@, Muller XXI and Adequalnova amongst others.
  • First version of Service portal for information about the management community of European projects.
  • We became partners with CEDETEL a regional leader in the ICT sector. After continued partnership with the organisation and after discussions in 2003-2005, we were appointed Associate Directors of the centre, under the full Direction of Telefónica I+D.
  • For the first time, our turn over rose to over €500,000.
  • Agreement from the EuropeAid Co-operation of the European Commission for the joining of Gateway S.C.S. to a network of European and Latin American operators whom work together to create business opportunities: The COOPECO network from the European programme AL-INVEST.
  • Our work in R+D+i gave birth to the GTW-Framework, the largest technological initiative that Gateway S.C.S. have undertaken to date. We chose the Microsoft.NET platform, as the base upon which we could build GTW-Framework. We abided by the strictest policy standards as set by W3C also, 2003 saw our first approach towards dealing with the accessibilty network.
  • Execution of our fifth R+D+i project, for the incorporation of the principle emerging technologies associated with Web 2.0 of our platform GTW-FrameWork.
  • Technical Advisers to Puertos del Estado and The Ministry of Public Services for the elaboration and approval of the project WEST-MoS within the framework of the TEN-T programme, approved by the 2005-EU-90609-S Commission with a budget of 3 million Euros.
  • After almost ten years on the internet, we launched, in Beta phase and in Spanish, a new version of (ISSN 1988-3382). A free informational website in which Gateway S.C.S. combines all its Information Services concerning the European Union (European Union Mail, Euro-management club and Euroalert) and includes it's knowledge and experience from previous years.


  • finalistataw2007

    Website chosen as one of three finalists for the III T.A.W website accessibility awards [+ info]